- #Navicat premium 11.0.7 crack update#
- #Navicat premium 11.0.7 crack code#
Foreign Key constraint issue in Import Wizard.
Some setting values was missing in SQLite Trigger Designer.DROP PROCEDURE statements in Structure Synchronization did not include the schema name.Foreign Key constraint didn't work when the constraint name was empty in SQLite.Crashed when dumping table to sql file in some cases.Unable to disable Foreign Key constraint in Data Synchronization.Unable to edit query results in some cases."SQL Logic" error occurred when loading SQLite extension.Unable to drag and drop a query into a group in some cases.
Column width did not retain after hide and show the column in Table Viewer. The color of function keywords did not change according to the Font Color settings in Options. Unable to create a query inside a group. Crashed when the Oracle host name was longer than 1000. Unable to show the SQLite CTE based view definition in View Designer. Encoding issue of the exported text file. Syntax error occurred when creating PostgreSQL function with array parameters. Default parameter syntax was stripped after saving PostgreSQL function. Unable to transfer tables with HEX format. Unknown Internal Error occurred when Automation ran. Procedure parameters were missing in the scripts generated by Structure Synchronization. Unable to edit query results when tables had alias. Unable to change the Tab Width in Query Editor. ORA-01830 error occurred when transferring tables to Oracle server in some cases. Database names were missing in the Drop SQL generated by Structure Synchronization. Syntax error occurred when importing CSV files in some cases. Incorrect dates were exported when exporting PostgreSQL tables to Excel files. Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing from ODBC. Error occurred when transferring BLOB data from MySQL to SQL Server. The privileges of PostgreSQL functions with parameters were not visible in Privilege Manager. #Navicat premium 11.0.7 crack update#
Incorrect SQL "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)" was dumped for MariaDB 5.5 tables. Exported SQL file did not have table name when exporting an unsaved query. "Double" format issue for SQL Server in Table Viewer. Zero decimal place digits were not displayed in Table Viewer. Unable to transfer objects between different server types by drag-and-drop. Incorrect columns were displayed after clicking the Default button in the "Choose columns" window. "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when adding NULL data to the chart. Query Parameter did not work when using a parameter twice. The file extension was missing when exporting the dashboard. "Floating point division by zero" error occurred when setting the dashboard background. Default Settings Location path was set to a wrong location for some cases. Pasting data into a column cleared another column data. Crashed when clicking the ellipsis button in Custom Recordset. Unable to set data to NULL in query results. Unable to show index fields in PostgreSQL 9.0. The fields of PostgreSQL compound index were displayed incorrectly. Display export profiles in the same group of queries. Integer column exported in Number format when exporting Excel file. Support Active Directory authentication method for SQL Server. To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. "COMMENT ON FUNCTION" clause was mistakenly generated when synchronizing PostgreSQL procedures.
Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2."Debugger Plugin is not installed or enabled" error occurred when the extension was installed in another schema.Inserted records to the wrong table when transferring data to the target table with a different name."Cannot insert into column" error occurred when transferring PostgreSQL tables.Error occurred when filtering data by right-clicking a cell in Table Viewer.Unable to show the inputted text in Filter Wizard.Slow issue when transferring large tables."Unknown Internal Error (A70529211102SE)" error occurred when exporting / importing data."Relation does not exist" error occurred when debugging a function in a schema other than the "public" schema.
#Navicat premium 11.0.7 crack code#
Memory leak issue when enabled code completion. "Drop target objects before create" option did not work in Data Transfer. Unable to show records that had -1 data in Table Viewer. "IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server tables.