38-41 (4 leaves): Documents relating to Boyle's arbitration in a dispute between Samuel Hutchinson and Viscount Grandison concerning a method of smelting lead using coal.įols. 37 (1 leaf): Introductory note concerning work by Boyle.įols. 36 (1 leaf): Introductory note and index of chapters to 'Paralipomena'.įol. 32-35 (4 leaves): MS version of 'philosophical' part of published list of Boyle's works.įol. 31 (1 leaf): Introductory note concerning work by Boyle.įols. 30 (1 leaf): Introductory material concerning use and limits of sense, experience, reason and authority in natural philosophy.įol. 29 (1 leaf): List of scientific phenomena to remember.įol. 28 (1 leaf): List of works by Dr Muller.įol.

26-7 (2 leaves): Mathematical papers.įol. 25 (1 leaf): Note on experimental phenomena and prefatory statement.įols. 24 (1 leaf): 'A Scheme or List of the Heads to which the following Particulars belonging to the Medicina Chromatica may be refer'd'.įol. 23 (1 leaf): Prefatory statement to text on use of experiment and reason in natural philosophy.įol. 22 (1 leaf): Clean copy of opening page of 'Post-Script' to Notion of Nature.įol. 20-1 (2 leaves): List of papers left with Mrs. 19 (1 leaf): 'A Scheme or Method of the Experiments & Observationes Physicae'.įols. 17-18 (2 leaves): MS version of the sequel to 1688 advertisement.įol. 16 (1 leaf): Introductory note to table giving true/feigned names of sources of recipes.įols. 15 (1 leaf): Further paper on plagiarism.įol. 14 (1 leaf): Preliminary version of introductory note to 'Paralipomena'.įol. 13 (1 leaf): 'The Titles of the Latter Part of the Diffident Naturalist'.įol. 12 (1 leaf): Alternative version of subsidiary remarks to section of Ex & Obs Physicae dealing with medical topics.įol. 11 (1 leaf): Note concerning specimen of 'Design'd Processes'.įol.

9-10 (2 leaves): MS version of a complaint about plagiarism.įol. 7-8 (2 leaves): Boyle's response to the allegations of 'Mr H.'.įols. 6 (1 leaf): MS version of Boyle's justification for writing on single sheets.įols. 3-5 (3 leaves): Introductory material for 'Paralipomena'.įol. 1-2 (2 leaves): Two copies of 'Advertisement' curtailing Boyle's willingness to receive visitors.įols. 164 has flap pasted in, with text on verso it is referred to as 164(a)v) the same is true of fols. Description: Folio-size volume foliated 19th-century contents leaf: Miscellaneous