Some serial numbers begin with 2 characters, while others begin with 4 characters. Enter your serial number as it appears on the materials that came with your original product packaging. You will be prompted to enter your CD Key serial number. Close all folders and double-click on the Toast application. Control-click on the Toast icon, select 'Show Package Contents', open the 'Contents' folder, open the 'MacOS' folder, and delete Rox.dat file.

"If the application is not launching after the updater has been run, then you may want to try and reserialize it. "If you are still receiving the VideoCD time out message after running the updater, then delete all copies of the 'Toast Video CD Support.qtx' file from your system and run the updater again. If it isn't, reinstall the original application from the CD, and then run the updater. If the prior version of Toast 5 Titanium is still installed, run the updater again. "To reinstall an update, simply delete the most recent version of the Toast Titanium application. "For important tips about working with Toast updates, as well as release history for all versions, and other Q and A, refer to The valid serial number from the original application is inherited by the update - no reserialization is necessary. "Toast updaters check for a valid copy of Toast 5 Titanium, install the updated application, then rename the enclosing folder to the new version number, and leave the previous versions of Toast Titanium intact within the updated folder. The statement includes instructions for properly upgrading, and workarounds for other quirks: Roxio has provided MacFixIt with a statement regarding previously reported problems in the recently released Toast 5.2 including crashes at startup and inability to apply the upgrade over older versions.